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Jehovah’s Witnesses organize a unique event in Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 2023



Timișoara, August 18 – 20, 2023 – After a three-year pandemic pause, one of the largest convention organizers in the world has once again chosen Timișoara to host its global three-day event, the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention.

Participants from more than 26 countries are expected to attend, including those that live in Romania but originate from another country, such as Australia, France, Haiti, Hungary, Japan, Myanmar, Nepal, Poland, Sao Tome, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, United States of America, Ukraine. The desire to learn from the Bible motivates all these people from different cultures to attend the Convention.

Even though the Witnesses speak different languages and originate from different countries and cultures they are united through love, which makes this event unique for a multicultural city. The Witnesses’ Regional Conventions showed that people from different cultures can form true and lasting friendships when they share the worship of God.

Prior to 2019, summers in Timișoara were marked by Jehovah’s Witnesses filling hotels and restaurants as they attended their annual conventions. In 2020, the pandemic interrupted that tradition when Witnesses canceled their in-person events throughout the world and held their convention programs as virtual events in more than 500 languages. Beginning August 18, 2023, the Witnesses will bring that tradition back to Timișoara, at the Iulius Congress Hall, 1 Aristide Demetriade Street.

Some 6,000 conventions will be held worldwide as part of the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention series. In Romania alone, 36 conventions will be held in 15 host cities. From Friday through Sunday, six convention sessions will explore the quality of patience, highlighting its modern-day relevance through Scriptural examples. A live baptism will be performed following the Saturday morning session and a prerecorded video-drama will be featured in two parts during the Saturday and Sunday afternoon sessions.

“Patience is a beautiful quality that all Christians desire to display in their daily lives,” says Mr. Ionuț Moraru, spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Despite our good intentions, however, maintaining patience in the face of life’s many challenges can be a daily struggle. Spending three days exploring aspects of this quality will be very timely for all of us.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses have been holding public conventions in stadiums, arenas, convention centers, and theaters around the world for more than 100 years. After resuming smaller in-person meetings and their public ministry during 2022, the summer of 2023 marks the first time they will gather at much larger regional events around the world since the lifting of pandemic restrictions.

The convention is open to the public and no collection is taken. For more information on the program or to find other convention locations and dates, please go to and navigate to the “About Us” tab.

For more information, contact the Public Information Department of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Romania at +4 0770 315 146 or


România îndeplinește condițiile pentru programul Visa Waiver. Când vom putea călători peste Ocean



Ambasadorul României în SUA Andrei Muraru a anunţat marţi că România îndeplineşte formal toate condiţiile tehnice pentru a face parte din programul Visa Waiver.

Astfel, primii români vor putea călători fără vize în Statele Unite, probabil, în prima parte a anului viitor.

„Sigur, aşteptăm o confirmare de la partenerii americani în perioada următoare, dar evaluarea noastră, bazându-ne pe numărul de aplicaţii pentru vize din acest an, precum şi pe trendul puternic descrescător din ultimii ani, este că Romania a coborât sub procentul de 3% al ratei de respingere”, a spus Muraru, într-o înregistrare video.

Acesta a mai adăugat: „Astăzi este o zi mare, o zi pe care am aşteptat-o multă, multă vreme: de astăzi, România îndeplineşte formal toate condiţiile tehnice pentru a face parte din programul Visa Waiver. Ieri, s-a încheiat anul fiscal în Statele Unite, iar ultima condiţie pe care România o mai avea de îndeplinit a fost satisfăcută”, anunţă Muraru într-o înregistrare video postată mpe site-ul ambasadei.

Ambasadorul României în SUA a mai precizat că este necesară o confirmare din partea autorităţilor de la Washington în perioada următoare.

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Alain Delon a murit la vârsta de 88 de ani, în locuința sa din Douchy



Actorul Alain Delon, celebru actor al cinematografiei franceze, a murit, duminică, la 88 de ani.

Decesul a fost anunţat de cei trei copii ai săi.

„Alain Fabien, Anouchka, Anthony şi (câinele său) Loubo sunt profund întristaţi să anunţe decesul tatălui lor. Acesta s-a stins din viaţă în linişte în casa sa din Douchy, înconjurat de cei trei copii ai săi şi de familia sa. (…) Familia sa vă roagă să îi respectaţi viaţa privată în această perioadă de doliu extrem de dureroasă”, se arată în comunicat.

Născut la 8 noiembrie 1935, Delon a revoluţionat cinematografia cu frumuseţea sa de înger diabolic în filmele lui Clément, Melville şi Visconti.

Un simbol al industriei cinematografice, Alain Delon a jucat în peste 80 de filme, sub îndrumarea unora ca Michelangelo Antonioni, Luchino Visconti, Jean-Pierre Melville şi Jean-Luc Godard, şi alături de actori precum Romy Schneider, Jean Gabin, Yves Montand şi Lino Ventura.

Rar văzut în filme de la sfârşitul anilor ’90, Alain Delon a ţinut prima pagină a ziarelor în vara anului 2023, când cei trei copii ai săi au depus o plângere împotriva doamnei sale de onoare, Hiromi Rollin, descrisă uneori drept însoţitoarea sa, pentru suspiciune de abuz. Cei trei copii ai săi au dus apoi un război fratricid prin intermediul presei şi al instanţelor, certându-se cu privire la starea de sănătate a starului, care suferea de limfom şi a avut un accident vascular cerebral în 2019.

În mai 2019, a revenit să guste din luminile covorului roşu de la Cannes pentru a primi un Palme d’Or onorific, printre lacrimi şi un discurs cu accente testamentare: „Este un fel de omagiu postum, dar în timpul vieţii mele”, a reacţionat actorul din „Plein soleil” (1960), filmul care i-a adus consacrarea internaţională, „Rocco et ses frères” (1960) şi „Le Guépard” (1963), sau „La piscine” (1969).

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Three days of good news for foreign languages speakers in Timișoara!



In a world where radio stations, TV channels and social media bring mostly bad news to our attention, a three-day event intended for the general public will highlight only good news!

“Declare the Good News!” This is the theme of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024 regional convention.

15 big cities in Romania have been chosen to host 29 such conventions throughout 11 weeks, every weekend between June 14th and August 25th. Some of the cities will accommodate several conventions in different weeks.

In Timișoara, the convention is going to be held in English at Iulius Congress Hall, between 9-11 August. About 500 people, coming from several countries, such as Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Austria, United States or Sri Lanka, are expected to attend the event.

Program Highlights

The convention will include talks, interviews, dramatizations and videos meant to comfort and encourage the attendees using God’s Word, so that they can look to the future with optimism.

Among the talks that the delegates are looking forward to can be mentioned:

Why Do We Need Good News? (Friday, 9:40 am),

Messianic Prophecy Fulfilled! (Saturday, 10:35 am),

Why We Don’t Fear Bad News (Sunday, 11:15 am).

A long-awaited attraction of this year’s program is the first episode of the feature drama The Good News According to Jesus: The True Light of the World. This production, split into two parts, 35 minutes each, will be played on the screens available in every location on Fridays, from 10:10 am, and on Saturdays, from 9:50 am.

An exciting moment taking place on Saturday will be the water baptism of new Witnesses.

An invitation for everyone who wants to attend

Before each convention, the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses are involved in a campaign organized to invite locals to this special event. Last year, about 13 million people attended regional conventions held in over 6 000 locations around the world.

Further information about the event, including the nearest convention location, can be found at > About Us > Conventions.

Courtesy of the Public Information Department of Jehovah’s Witnesses

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